Wyatt Earp – Building his American Dream

Wyatt Earp – legendary western lawman- made famous by the “Gunfight at the OK Corral.”  He was a law enforcement officer, gambler, pimp, saloon keeper, brother keeper, buffalo hunter, and boxing referee. Hollywood has made a famous Fifty’s television show about his stories, and many movies. Stars such as Henry Fonda – My Darling Clemetine, Burt Lancaster – Gunfight at the OK Corral, James Garner – Hour of the Gun, Kevin Costner – Wyatt Earp, and Kurt Russell – Tombstone acted their versions of him. My favorite Wyatt Earp is Kevin Costner, who is yours. 

Born in Illinois and traveled with his family to California, he began life in the west. His first gunfight was with someone who called him a “California Boy” - coward for not fighting in the Civil War- while he was visiting a brothel. Wyatt was uninjured but his opponent was wounded. This gunfight was the first of many. Unlike most, Wyatt was never wounded in any gun play. 

Wyatt was interested in building his American Dream.  In pursuit of his dream, he gambled, pimped, and searched for wealth such as silver and gold. It was the desire to become rich that brought him to Tucson, Arizona and subsequently to the “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” developing him into the legend he is today. 

Did he strike it rich? He searched for silver in Arizona and gold in Idaho and California. He did not find the fortune he sought. Around 1911, Wyatt continued to work mining claims in Vidal, California but during the hot summers retired to a small cottage with Josephine Marcus, his common-law wife in Los Angeles. He met many actors in the early Western movies and hoped to get his story told. The first time his life was portrayed was in “Wild Bill Hickok” film – 1923. During his stay, he met director John Ford, who claims that Wyatt Earp told him exactly how the gunfight of the O.K. happens, and it is shown that way in his award-winning film “My Darling Clemetine.” 

We believe that you do not have to spend your live searching for the American Dream. You do not have to speculate and gamble with your money to achieve your goals. You can live your American Dream now. You can invest your money using empirically proven and tested principles and eliminate speculating and gambling. How do we do it? 

We offer the American Dream Experience, a two-day workshop, where you can discover for yourself, what investing is, how it works, and how it can fulfill on your purpose for your life. You will have the opportunity to: 

  • Discover your true purpose for your money and your life. 

  • How to eliminate speculating and gambling with your money. 

  • Discover the empirically proven academic science of investing and how to apply Nobel Prize-winning investment strategies to begin long-term wealth creation with lifelong peace of mind around money. 

  • Learn what investing is and how it works. 

  • Access an investing methodology that aligns with your true purpose for money and allows you to recapture, reclaim, and realize your American Dream. 

For more information, please contact your coach and ask to attend the American Dream Experience. 

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